I have started following the blogs from last few months and I realized the power of Web2.0 features. Within a month, I found 121 blogs to follow in various categories like personal, technical, news updates, arts etc which are really worth reading.
Its just not possible to keep track of all the blogs and check them one by one everyday. There are tools like blog subscriptions, RSS feed readers via mail etc. But some of the sites which really fascinated me are - Google Reader , Bloglines and firefox extensions for RSS . These tools are really helpful to manage your inventory and keep you updated. Each site has its own advantages and disadvantages; I request you too try all and go with the one you like. Google reader and Bloglines are online sites where extensions are local to firefox (although they access internet to check blog updates). If your blogs are very frequently updated then google reader is the best choice as it indexes them very fast. If you want to do updates checking part in background, go for firefox extensions like sage-too , Wizz etc. Bloglines is a mid option.
Try it out and let me know your feedback / additions.